Sunday, September 27, 2009

Untitled from Elias Nunez on Vimeo.

some thoughts that passed through my mind was how, even though it was just an act that I put on taking the video, this is what I most of my time when there is nothing else to do. And the part when I said "I have no life" deadass seems kinda true even though I hate to admit it. I kind of hate the fact that I'm kind of addicted to so much digital things.

Its kind of good that I have things like work and school and friends to keep me busy from doing things like sitting on my couch all day and watching t.v, and sitting on the chair and going on Facebook, even though friends are what make you go on sites like that in the first place.

My nephew kind of already does d, he's already addicted to his cartoons. He already knows how to change to his channels with the remote and he does it real quick. But I wouldnt want him to get to used to it, in the future I'll probably be the one that ends up giving him a total limit of t.v time per week.

I think ideas like the Wii are very good, because you wont neccesarily be like addicted to it, like you can really work up a sweat, which I kind of like, because now a days there's a lot of obeise kids and something needs to be done about that.

Monday, September 21, 2009


-Stephanie Adames
- Anias Joseph
- Jessica Cornils

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blog Post #1

I want to start off by saying that I, honestly am really addicted to being on my computer. I can literally stare deep into the eyes of my computer for hours, sometimes not having anything left to do but making it my job to find something, listening to music, reading sports articles, finding some type of game, it's always something new. Once I actually realize that I have nothing left to do is usually when I begin to get off, it's either that, or when my sister needs to use the computer she asks me "are you almost done?" and that usually ends my merry go round. When I am into something, for instance, when I am on facebook, and there's actually things to do, like comment on pics, or converse with a whole group of people, I can literally stay on there for long periods at a time, unless of course I have work to go to or homework to do.

Now a days just about everybody knows how to use technically up-to-date and sound technology. Well I'm not sure about everyone, because my mother still does not know how to use a computer correctly. Sometimes I find this real weird because we all know we got things to do buy yet we still find a way to put 2 + hours into going on myspace or facebook everyday. We waste our time doing unimportant things on the web while we know that we could do real important things like a big homework assignment, or taking care of your son; come on ladies.

I must admit though, there are some positives that come with the new technology, we are able to find long lost friends from elementary and all the way up to college and beyond, from friends who moved to co-workers that never showed up again. You are able to meet up and have fun and catch up on old memories. I just question some people, who literally stay on computers all day, and I wonder how this may affect their vision, the way they see all kinds of things, or maybe if it even helps with some things. I know that before, when I was much younger, I used to have glasses and bad vision, obviously, and since I started using computers, years back, I really got better with vision, don't use glassed any more, and looking sexier than ever feel me?