Tuesday, April 13, 2010

extra credit

3. Compare and contrast the school in the film with your experience of SOF. What are crucial similarities and differences? What should SOF change in light of the insights you've gained from this movie?

I feel like the way the students act in this movie can kind of relate to how SOF students act, but in the smallest ways possible. We might act this way with a real annoying subtitute, which is rare. The students in SOF seem to have limits which they know they cannot pass, they have respect for teachers and for the most part students around them. I think Soulymane is actually a really good student, just stuck in what for him might be somewhat of a loophole because he wants to be the guy thats the tough guy and the class clown.

In SOF, we are for the most part lacking teachers who actually care. There's honestly like one teacher and thats sad, but then again thats just how it is in all the movies we watch right? The other teachers just show up and collect their paychecks, and sometimes pretend that they care. But they never really do. I've gotten into big trouble early in the school year and there was a teacher who I actually felt comfortable telling my problems to and I was told if I needed help I knew what to do. It was a good feeling because I haven't had a teacher who actually cared in quite some time. Sixth grade to be exact. I feel like me a Soulymane can actually kind of relate in a way, like sometimes we are both too shallow in a way, to just do our work and not care what people think.

While watching the movie I noticed that maybe the relationship between the teacher and student was maybe TOO close, whether it was in a good or bad way. In SOF teachers do try to have things one sided and make it so that they can call us stuff or do things that we cant back. But I highly doubt any teacher in our school has gone as far as calling students skanks. And if they were to do it, they wouldnt confront them about it in front of all their classmates. I think that the teachers having student reps in the meetings is pointless and only started controversy.

If there's one thing the students are doing well is sticking together. They defend each other even though they all get at each other. The teacher on the other hand, I really do not understand how he can go from one side to the other and keep switching up as if it is nothing. For instance, one second he is arguing with the student, the next he is defending them behind closed doors.

The last scene gives a glimpse of how the SOF world is, where teachers get along with each other and pretend to care.

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