Monday, November 2, 2009

hw 12 feed A

Feed is an allegory for the modern teenage life in the US and for the most part it is on target. It may not depict my life or completely depict someone elses but there are parts and pieces where you find you can relate in some way. The relationships are pretty real. The way Titus is trying to get Violet and his friends to get along, and how he has these two relationships with both of them that he's trying to maintain is realistic. Also when he does things that aren't that great and flawed like deleting Violet's memory's because he's trying to maintain his way of life. That's supposed to be an allegory for how American's ignore things that might disrupt their way of life, but I think America's more open to that because of technology and different cultures are constantly seeping in and becoming intermixed with the American culture; different ways of life that we're making part of our own. That's in part because they're more accesable to people now, there are many different cultural foods here and alot of different fashions, some inspired by other countries. Either way I can't say its completely one thing or another, because people aren't like that either and people are what make up this place. I can't say people are completely open of things that may change their way of life and I can't say people are completely closed either, because there will be people who are both. That's kind of why at some moments I find it exagerated because the people in this story are mostly for only one side.

The way everyone lives in their own bubble, they have their own personal sun and clouds and its almost as if they all live in their own world. They're all separate, they don't share the same sky anymore. In the modern world, sometimes people are living in their own worlds too and they kind of just drift. It's probably easier to create your own world with technology. You can go online and discover a digital and chat with people or you can phase out and watch television. Maybe the same way happiness is infectious, being disconnected is as well. You can disconnect from this world and go to another.

The story even, though its not "real" is emotionally real. It has an emotional truth. The way the characters interact with one another in their digital world is alot like how we interact in ours. When Titus is in the car with Violet and they are M-chatting and she tells him her feed is malfunctioning and she seems scaredwhen she tells him to talk to him "in the air" he feels a bit unconfortable because that makes it more real. Even though they're talking in their head, not having to say the words physically makes the topic easier to talk about because its not as direct and by saying it aloud he has to confront it. That's how it is today too. Some things people feel more confortable saying online, but some things should be said outloud and can't be said through another medium. Its like how some people break up over a text message. They don't want to be present, they don't want to deal with the messy emotions that the words would cause. Its easier to not deal with it.

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