Thursday, February 25, 2010

hw # 41

"I am a high school teacher and believe my students' performances are directly related to my expectations of them. I have see, first hand, the power behind believing in a student that no one else has. I have seen students who actually believed they were dumb, because that is all they have ever been told directly or indirectly. Teenagers are able to read body language quite well, and even though a teacher may not tell a student what they think, that student will read it in their features. Stereotyping students is not only unfair, but it truly deprives deserving students from reaching their potential"

This just proves to what I was previously saying about teachers and them being biased. They know what they are doing, in corrupting the set grading system. Teacher's usually set these really high expectations for certain students, and with the expectance of them doing what they are "supposed" to do, they favor them, grade them with the nicer scale.

Then theres those students who think, "hey, if he/she doesnt have hope in me, I know he/she is going to fail me." It just isnt fair. The worst part of everything is that theres no way this kind of thing can even fixed.

"According to witnesses, the teacher became angry last Friday during an art class when someone stained her jacket with paint.
It was then that she said, according to the same sources, “all Mexicans are criminals” and “you were born to scrub floors”."

This hear shows a different aspect of what I meant when I spoke about teachers taking race into account when grading. A lot of teachers, as well as any given human, have these ideas that they initially get about people. Certain types of people even, they come up with all sorts of things they can call them or things to assume about them. In America, everybody has this stereo type about mexicans, and how they work for minimum wage, do the "dirty" jobs, and are criminals, but most of us dont actually SAY things like this. Maybe its because we know its wrong, both morally and socially. It's just not something you say.

"By virtue of the fact that the teacher is in the position of “the teacher,” they have power. The governance of the school places each teacher in a position of responsibility for the management of the students in the class. So, in one sense, it is not so much earned as, it just is. Likewise the role of teacher assumes that they have power. There is no other person in the classroom that can fulfill the duties of the teacher. We could use the term “in loco parentis” (i.e., in the role of the parent) to describe this type of power. The teacher, in addition to their role as educator, is the sanctioned authority in the room.

One the one hand, unlike the other forms of teacher power, position power is not so much earned or cultivated, it exists by default. On the other hand, we can do a better or worse job of projecting that we deserve this role. This is especially true of new and substitute teachers. Those who expect to be given respect, usually are. Position power may come essentially from a contract, but it is also projected in an air of legitimacy and confidence. Those who project an affect characterized by illegitimacy or a doubt that they belong in the position, will suffer from a limited amount of position power, and the problems that come with it."

This is where the teacher power comes from, and well explained. In the second paragraph it is said, "...Unlike the other forms of teacher power, position power is not so much earned or cultivated, it exist by default." First off, I want to start by talking about the title of this chapter. Position Power. Meaning, that the power is only given by... "default" plain and simple. It's definately not something that was earned, as it should be. Teachers expect this aura of respect to be given to them off the bat, but no teachers, thats not how it should be. You SHOULD be able to earn this "Position power" I mean, it's only fair isnt it? Because thats the way it is for the opposition.

The example they give about substitute teachers are on point. Substitute teachers are usually initially given NO respect. But you usually see it that those substitute teachers who are always called on and build some type of relationship with the students, are the ones who are liked and earn the respect from the students. I say we implement a new wave of education, teachers get a one week cycle per class, then we alternate. Let's not let them get too comfortable now.

Monday, February 22, 2010

hw # 40

In terms of student success, why do you think so much of a students failure is blamed on the student, and rather not the teacher?

Christopher Roldans response:

"I dont think that failure is pointed towards the student rather than the teacher. I think that it is reverse. A students hardwork in a classroom reflects on a teachers success in (some bullshit). Its easier to fail a student, than it is for a principal to have to fire a teacher, thats why they get more problems (more money more problems, you already snow).

Stephanie Adames response:

"Because they way schools are designed, teachers like almost right. They have the higher authority. To me it would make sense to blame the teacher, because if so many students are failing the class, it must be the teachers fault. But nobody every questions the teachers authority on that aspect, so we tend to just leave it at that, that its the students fault."

Maxiel Jimenez response:
"Well I guess its because in some ways, the teachers don't like to be wrong. Its not always the students fault, because teachers often only grade us on what THEY think is logically correct, even though it might not be. They are biased. They forget about the original grading system and incorporate their own, in-just opinions."

Andy Snyder's response:

"I think everybody sees things differently. Your parents are more likely to blame you, because they see you and they see you not doing work. Teachers are blamed for failing students if they fail above a certain percentage, in other ways there's acceptable failure rates. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what the principal thinks, it's the teachers who enter the grades.

my response:

The teachers are always given this higher authority, when I, personally, do not believe they should have so much. Yes, they should have some, but not the amount that they do get. Also, they really do grade according to what they feel is right, they factor in favoritism, prejudice, sex and even rascism into the equation for grading. I say we get robots!


To elabortate more on what I just stated, I believe that teachers really do go on physical appearance, as well as other aspects on a student. For example, when a teacher see's a student with a durag on, baggy jeans , and of african descent, the worst always goes through their mind, as it would to any other person. Now lets say this student is really bright, just stuck in a bad situation, since the teacher already has very low to no expectations at all for the student, his chance of being successful in that class are low.

Now, let's say an asian walks into class. The teacher starts thinking (ahh A+) another one of those students. Even if their work is garbage, or average, they get graded as above average to excellent. Now imagine if the teacher is asian, then think about the kind of advantage those asian kids get then. So have I caught your attention yet? Hope so.

Monday, February 8, 2010

hw 39, first school assignment

Why do kids stay in school?

Why do we have to have so much respect for these teachers, but they have almost none for us?

Do teachers enjoy failing students on purpose?

Every year, dozens of kids fail and we always say it's the teachers fault. Sometimes they are though, I believe a lot of teachers favor many students and judge them strickly on character, rather than the work they turn in. I know it's definately happened to me this part semester. I did way more homework assignments then most students, yet they passed and I failed. I wonder why the government makes teachers have this almighty high authority over the students, when they shouldn't. I mean well, yea they should have some, but they swear they're like Gods/Goddesses compared to the students.

HW 38 Art Project COOL

Untitled from Stephanie Adames on Vimeo.

1. What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art? In our video we wanted to intergrate the "cool guy" being a total dick. He treats everyone like crap, not caring about anyones feelings.

2. Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step? If it was a group project, what did you contribute?

we wanted to make a video where we could make people laugh and also be like, "yo this guy is really a dick". My personal contributions were just ideas, and always how to set up our acting and where to put our actors.

3. Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?

Sometimes I find art cool, but most times often than not I dont. I dont think theres any type of significance behind it, its just not something that appeals to me right away. Maybe theres some type of art i have yet 2 experience that will blow my mind, but I have yet to run into it. Maybe thats all i need..

Thursday, February 4, 2010